ISO 9001


  1. ISO 9001 is the most prevalent quality management standard worldwide.
  2. It can be applied by any organization interested in improving the way it operates, regardless of the size or the sector in which it operates.
  3. However, best results are achieved by organizations that implement the standard at all and not to individual positions or activities.

The implementation stages of implementing an ISO 9001 Quality System are:

Gap Analysis

Design and Development

Preparation and internal inspections

Inspection by a certificate Body

System Maintenance

  • Benefits by implementing a Quality Management System
  1. Increasing customer satisfaction
  2. Creating competitive advantage
  3. Improving business performance
  4. Attracting investment
  5. Improving the image of the organization
  6. The reduction in operating costs and savings
  7. Enforce internal communication
  8. Increased staff satisfaction and greater accountability

The most common Cerification Bodies In the Greek Market are:

  1. MIRTEC (
  2. Lloyds Register (LRQA) HELLAS (
  4. TÜV Hellas (
  5. Bureau Veritas (